Hey everybody! In this unprecedented time in our lives, we are all worried about the Covid 19 crisis and how it impacts us, our families, our future, and our daily lives. Right now things are scary, and it’s okay to be scared because, if we weren’t, we wouldn’t be human beings. What we do need to do is continue to practice the guidelines set forth by the healthcare experts, including social distancing, thorough and frequent hand-washing, and avoiding crowds and gatherings. Also, watch out for your elderly friends and family and those at risk!
As for M.A.G. Irrigation, we are currently watching developments as they unfold and will be sure to communicate with our customers the steps we will take going forward. We can’t say it will be business as usual quite yet, but we hope to be able to learn more very soon! For now, stay safe, continue to practice social-distancing, and be kind to one another!