Summer blew right by and fall’s arrived! That means it’s time to prep your system for winterization, and get your lawn ready for the unpredictable New England winter that’s right around the corner! M.A.G. has begun sending out notices for the winterization of your system, and we ask that you get back to us as soon as possible to confirm your appointment so that we may serve all of our customers in as timely and efficient a manner as possible!
Once your system is “blown out”, there are still some steps you may want to take to be sure that your lawn and valuable landscaping is protected from Mother Nature this winter! First and foremost, we recommend that our customers fertilize their lawn and help strengthen roots and repair any damage caused by the summer heat. There are several brands out there, but we’ve had great success with the Scott’s Winterguard products as well as Lesco’s Fall and Winter Fertilizer!
While your grass should fare well come October/November, some of your ornamentals and shrubs may require a little extra TLC and hand-watering so that they go into the winter months well-hydrated. If you’ve some extra thirsty plants out there, consider hand watering these plants until the first freeze! Also, you may want to consider insulating the roots of some of the less-cold-hardy plants and shrubs on your grounds.
By fall’s end, a thorough clean-up dead leaves and branches in your garden and grounds will also help toward reducing the risk of fungi, insect problems, and diseases as well as keep shelter-seeking varmints away!
While it’s always hard to say goodbye to the summer, taking the right steps in protecting your grounds in the fall will pay big dividends come springtime!